Happy New Year, it's already February 1st , it looks like this year is going to fly by too.
I have finished writing my Zodiacs pattern, (more pics below), email me if you would like to order it or for enquiries at-
Make one of each star sign and you will have great gifts ready for that special one.
I have updated my web site recently, have a peek and let me know what you think- http://www.mmunzonedesigns.com
Latest Workshops-
FINEUS, will be starting soon, he is a very adorable elf, lots of techniques in this workshop.
More info- http://webstore.quiltropolis.net/stores_app/Browse_Item_Details.asp?Shopper_id=7081165443708&Store_id=235&page_id=23&Item_ID=1395
ENCHANTED TREE & FAIRIES, workshop is running and you
can still sign up, lots of techniques on tree building from
making the armature to attaching the leaves and making two
gorgeous little fairies that live in the tree.
More info- http://webstore.quiltropolis.net/stores_app/Browse_Item_Details.asp?Shopper_id=4351121323824351&Store_id=235&page_id=23&Item_ID=1377
For anyone in SYDNEY, I have 'live' workshops starting Feb 11, night or day classes, at MACARTHUR COMMUNITY COLLEGE, in the Liverpool area.
Unleash your creativity while you develop your skills.
Techniques, fabrics and finishing choices will result in unique art dolls. Doll making experience not required but basic sewing skills necessary.
The workshops is 2 hours per week for 8 weeks, in the time we will complete 2-3 dolls or sets of dolls.
First project for this term is my Mix & Match Pixies, for more info- https://www.macarthurcc.com.au/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Macarthur.woa/wa/search.shtml?find=NEW!!!&addModule=DA1103-12&page=2
Scroll down to the bottom of page, my workshops are called-
Hi Michelle, The update to the website looks great. You've done a wonderful job, and the banner is perfect. Love the font you used for that. Glad to see the zodiac pattern is ready. I'll be in touch...Romona
Hope you are not affected by the fires. Your website update looks great.
WOW what an array of fantastic items you have.
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