Thursday 21 January 2010


I received my copy of Dolls, Bears & Collectables last week, how nice to see my profile on page 14 and my doll Sabine on the cover and as this month's project on page 42. In addition my advert on page 6, just want to point out was designed by my very talented, graphic designer daughter, Stephanie.
A few months ago my Perri, the pincushion was also featured in D,B & C and my Luscious Strawberry appeared in Soft, Dolls & Animals.
I'm planning to make a list of all the projects I have had in magazines over the years, with the magazine name and what issue it appeared in, as a reference to make it easier to find my projects for anyone that is interested.


Cheryl said...

Congrats. I so wish I could get this magazine. It is horribly expensive to get here in the states.

linda misa said...

good on you Michelle - must get a copy and yes you should have a list of how and where you have appeared in print - I know it will be extensive! Love hearing from you and seeing your wonderful work. Kind regards, Linda.

FIGURATIVE ART, E-PATTERNS, WORKSHOPS,KITS and more Designed by Michelle Munzone